Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I've been tagged.....

I've been tagged by Jaime ... here we go!

10 Years Ago (1998):

1. Married Doug (12.19.98)
2. Was in my last year of college at Grand Canyon University
3. Was 22 years young!
5. Living in Phoenix, AZ but planning our move to Pensacola, FL

5 Things on Tomorrow's "To Do" List:

1. Get house ready for my parent's visit
2. Finalize menu for Doug's promotion party
3. Prep new baby meal for the Lunsford's
4. Take kids to the park
5. Go to the gym (ha ha)

5 Things that I would do if I were a millionaire:

1. Take care of extended family
2. Buy an awesome house
4. go clothes shopping like a maniac
5. Save, Save, Save

5 Places I have lived:

1. Harrisburg, PA
2. Phoenix, AZ
3. Pensacola, FL
4. Rapid City, SD
5. Oak Harbor, WA

5 Jobs I have had:

1. The MOST important - MOMMY to my 3 sweeties
2. school teacher
3. Collections agent at a construction company
4. Asst. Director of a daycare
5. "Teacher" (I use that term loosely for daycare) at a daycare

5 people I'm tagging are:

1. Susan
2. Heather
3. Kelley

Sadly, I don't have 5 blogger friends! :(

Friday, October 10, 2008

A day at the pumpkin patch...

Fall is definitely in the air here in Oak Harbor (when isn't it?). It's been cool and breezy with much shorter days, unlike the summer where it's light at 10pm. The local farms are burgeoning with corn and pumpkins and we knew a trip to the pumpkin patch would soon be on the horizon. So last week we bundled up the kids and headed out to Dugwalla Bay Farm. The kids had a great time on the hayride (pulled by a bright orange tractor), although it was quite bumpy. Mallory kept looking up at me with a puzzled expression :) Jillian and Griffin combed the fields quite thoroughly and each found a pumpkin to their liking, which have found a home on our front porch, making it look very cheery and autumnal. We just adore Washington for its never-ending supply of family-friendly, outdoorsy, memory-making possibilities.